Scanner Technology

More about Scanning

Playing Stars!

Like all other technology, the science behind scanners and cloaking devices must be researched. The research requirements and features of planet-based scanners are described in the Planetary category of the Technology Browser; ship-based scanners are described in the Scanners section; cloaking devices are described in the Special section.

Planet-penetrating scanners

These scanners can detect fleets in orbit around a planet. They also can tell you planetary statistics from a distance. For planet-based scanners, the effective area for these scanners appears in YELLOW when the Scanner Coverage Overlay is turned on.

Normal, Non-penetrating Scanners

These scanners cannot penetrate a planet. Any object orbiting the planet is hidden from your radar. Minefields are cloaked 82% from this type of scanner.  For planet-based scanners, the effective area for these scanners appears in RED when the Scanner Coverage overlay is turned on.

Minefields as Scanners
Minefields act as non-penetrating scanners for the players with the Space Demolition trait. These scanners do not detect fleets orbiting planets.

Scanners are Additive

The formula for calculating a ship's scanner range is the 4th root of the sum of each scanner to the 4th power. Let's say you have a ship design with two 100 light year scanners and one 60 light year scanner: (100^4 + 100^4 + 60^4) ^ ¼ = 120 light years. The same calculation applies to planet penetrating scanners.

Scanners and Primary Traits

Some races have extra scanner technology. For example, if you've chosen Packet Physics as your primary trait, all your mineral packets will act as planet-penetrating scanners. If you choose Space Demolition all your minefields act as normal scanners.